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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

(^_^)MotHeR's DaY(^_^)

Well,Mother's day is just around the corner..This year is the 1st year I'll celebrate the day as a mother..usually I only wish it to my mother and my in-law...
Honestly,being a mother is not so easy,specially when on your own..I mean,when you have to do all by your own....I remember,when I was still a kid,I used to oppose my mother.I always get mad and disappointed,every time she told me not to do this and that,can't go here and there....I still can feel the way I treated my mom everytime she didn't fullfill my request,such when she didn't made up to sew my skirts on time,when she didn't iron my school uniform neatly..yeah,I howled at her,cried and asking her,why she can't made it...I also still can feel her love,everytime me and my brother get punished by my dad,no matter for being naughty or just to finish our school works..yes my mom were always there to protect us and watching over us.......
As time goes by,I turned to be a teenager,I hardly can't wait to be independent,to live my life at my own way!I got the chance when I was 16,I've got an offer to studying at a Technic school,and I'm going to live apart from my family.ooh what a relieve...It's a good experience actually,I learnt a lot from it.....And when I became more matured,when I've met my bf,I spent more time with him...less with my family....well of course,I'm working during daytime,and I supposed to stay at home after working hours instead of dating with him,but everyone knows,when we're in love,nothing else really matters,we're only wanted to trasure the moments with the one we love....:)
If only I knew,how's the future,I mean like right now,I live by my own and feel lonely...I'll appreciatted my family more,and spent a lot more time with them.I really miss to live with my family,I mean,taste my mom's cooks,or even cook for them,watching tv with my brother and blah..blah...But it's ok,I have Nicole now,at least I have somebody to share my loneliness.......
In the nutshell,I'm thanking you Mom for everything...for gave birth of me into this world,for your patiences and sacrifices to raising me up until for what I am today...and for your love and kindness all these years and I'm so sorry for letting you down and if I ever hurt your feelings..please..please forgive me...I LOVE YOU MOM!

And hey everyone..this song from Spice Girl really..really good,it shows how to treat our Mom!
She used to be my only enemy and never let me free,
Catching me in places that I know I shouldn't be,
Every other day I crossed the line,
I didn't mean to be so bad,
 I never thought you would
 become the friend I never had.
 Back then I didn't know why,
 why you were misunderstood,
 So now I see through your eyes,
 all that you did was love,
Mama I love you, Mama I care,
 Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
 My friend
 I didn't want to hear it then but
 I'm not ashamed to say it now,
Every little thing you said and did was right for me,
I had a lot of time to think about,
about the way I used to be,
Never had a sense of my responsibility.
 Back then I didn't know why,
 why you were misunderstood,
So now I see through your eyes,
all that you did was love,
Mama I love you, Mama I care,
 Mama I love you, Mama my friend, My friend
But now I'm sure I know why,
why you were misunderstood,
So now I see through your eyes,
all I can give you is love,
Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
My friend
Mama I love you, Mama I care,
Mama I love you, Mama my friend,
You're my friend

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