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Friday, May 14, 2010

What is GLEE??

AS what I can see in the TV show,GLEE is a CLUB containing bunch of high school students who performed singing and dancing....Well,I really love the show even though I don't really like the lead actress.....love the plot of the story,the songs...blah blah blah...

But did you know that GLEE CLUB is actually exist???

A glee club is a musical group, historically of male voices but also of female or mixed voices, which traditionally specializes in the singing of short songs—glees—by trios or quartets. The first named Glee Club was founded in Harrow School, in London, England, in 1787. Glee clubs were very popular in the UK from then until the mid 1850s but by then they were gradually being superseded by choral societies. By the mid-20th century, proper glee clubs were no longer common. However, the term remained (and remains) in use, primarily for choirs found in Japanese and North American colleges and universities, despite the fact that most American glee clubs are choruses in the standard sense and no longer perform glees. Gleein this context does not refer to the mood of the music or of its singers, but to a specific form of English part song popular between 1650 and 1900.

The oldest glee clubs in the United States are the Harvard Glee Club, founded in 1858; the University of Michigan Men's Glee Club, founded in 1859; the Yale Glee Club, founded in 1861; the Amherst College and The University of Pennsylvania Glee Club, both founded in 1862;the Cornell University Glee Club founded in 1868;and the Rutgers University Glee Club founded in 1872.

Although the term "glee club" is still used in some places, including the the American TV series Glee, glee clubs have largely been replaced by the show choir in schools throughout the United States. Show choirs tend to be larger and more complex than the traditional glee club.

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