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Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm NoT o.K

Today is the 1st day I'm sending over NeyNey to the daycare...Actually I'm quit anxious...
BeFore I'm leaving,NeyNey is crying before bath,while bathing and until she done dress up.
I dunno how how 1 person can handle 5 babies,specially when they cry at the same time...
I really can't work in tranquil right now..I kept thinking how is she doin there..is she ok??
Well let's just hope so...and my hand is so itchy to dial the care-giver number..just want to know if NeyNey doin fine there...

HusH NeyNey..you be good there yaa.....

Here's some pix of her...the one in the baby walker was taken last night..and others are before I'm leaving the daycare..

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