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Monday, April 19, 2010

New day...

People mostly hate Monday...but today I don't feel like...hate Monday..well,not today! ;)
Reason being......hurmmm let me think..I dunno what,but it feels like,there's something good is coming..dunno what it is but..I just feel nice....
I'mma bit late today,Nicole cerewet sikit since last nite,lambat tidur pastu bgn awal.....adeh.....but it's ok,I don't really mind....it's worth to take any consequences just to please her..
Meanwhile,I stop thinkin about my anxiety in workplace....I'm ready for everything now,and I've made mind...After all evaluation,and corollary taken,I decided to follow my hubby wherever he will go....and for the time being,he's at Keningau...so I'll be there too (with Nicole) it's just a matter of time....

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