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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Nicole Yvette Terrance (Pt.1)

She was born on 11th Dec 2009 @ 3.6kg @ 8.58a.m.Actly,my expected due date is on 21.12.2010,well I guess she no longer can wait to be inside there!hehehehehe...Honestly,while I'm still preg,I never knew that my baby would be 'she'.I just wait until she came into this world..besides it's more thrilling not to know her gender till the day..........I just hope that she's healthy...This is her pic...1st day..

The moment she born,I was relieved and thanked God that everything is fine.Since I have her in my life,I realized that,being a mother is not an easy thing and never ever took it for granted.I feel that I became much responsible,and value every and each life..Not to talk about feelings...which I can say,mine turns to more emotional and sensitive..child abuse..abortion..molest is everywhere..and its really really really broken my heart and made me cry..I pray that all these thing would be ended and no more pain and suffering felt by others..specially mothers...
It's not easy to give a birth,a lot of pain,a lot of suffering,struggling need to be passed...

(to be continue...)

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