I love my family...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, March 9, 2012

5 more weeks to go...

Yup,I'm counting the days..hehehe..yet,I still didn't know whether the baby is she or he.But it doesn't matter,I love both baby boys and girls.Since it 5 more weeks to go,I decided to go back to my hometown tomorrow.Yes,I choose to gave birth there again because the maternity hospital's services are quit good..the nurses are also friendly.Other than that,there,my mom can take good care of me during the confinement.She can't travel here coz my sister still ongoing school.Actually I'm a bit sad to leave hubby alone here...maybe I've already use to wait him coming home from work..:) But,looking on the other side,I get chance to spend some times with my beloved parents and siblings at kampung...after all hubby will come visit us every weekends...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday blues?

Nope..I'm not in the Monday blues...it's just that the weather today are quit gloomy..a bit cold and humid,perfect to stay in the bed.Well,I guess I'm going back to my bed now....zzzzzzz...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Yay..it's Saturday!

What are you guys planning today?Me?Nothing...just like Monday-Friday...just stay at home.Hrmm..maybe we're going to Sunset Mass later.I'm thinking to make some chicken salad (my hubby request for it...craving la tu)Unlike me,my head kept thinking about cakes..cakes and cakes...I'm crazy for baking and eating cake,luckily my current kitchen not allowed me to do so...the space are so limited and I don't have complete bakery tools and oven...can steam also but I don't have steamer either.:)Maybe I'll wait till I reach kampung..do some baking while waiting the day.......

Talking about the day...I had some false alarm last night...pheww..panic a bit..thought it's time..Luckily,it's just    the nature's calling...hehehe..but maybe it also what we call 'Braxton Hicks' contraction..the pain I felt is almost the same like the night before I gave birth to Nicole.Well,I'm sure it's just a false labor,coz I don't think I'm going to deliver this early...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sharing is Caring

Home Sweet Home

"Home is a shelter from storms - all sorts of storms. ~William J. Bennet"

How far this quote means?I don't know.. ;p
What I'm trying to tell here... A nice and cozy HOME is what everybody want and need. But nowadays ,the value of houses/properties are increasingly so quickly...well I'm not gonna explicate about it as I'm not the expertise here..And thank GOD,we manage to buy a house before the price getting high and higher.However, it still under construction.According to the developer,the housing completion approximate around this year..maybe mid-year.This considered another good things happens to us this year ,we're moving to our very own house (other than my newborn baby).But wait,there's a catch here...this also means, our family expenses are getting higher!Oh...I hope I can get a job and earn some money for the family!

Like everyone who have bought or getting a new house,my excitement to do some so call interior decoration are leveled up.Well,I'm not looking for so 'va va voom' interior decorations,enough to have simple,nice and cozy looking interior.
Here,I want to share some of the ideas..maybe we couldn't have the exact result...but I hope we can have an interior like it, even a bit!

Living area

Master bedroom(well,the color not so green la...)

Kids room( I like the simplicity)

Dining area



Baby on the way....

Yup,let's play 'Guess the baby's gender'!Up to this day,the gender of my baby are still quzzical...Just like my first baby ,Nicole Yvette.I didn't know that she's a GIRL until she was born.But I have this strong intuition,saying that this time around it might be a BOY!:) But I don't put high expectation on it...I don't mind if it's a girl again,I just wish to have a healthy and cute one... :)
Like every preggy mommy,another things playing on my mind  is...baby name..hehe..In my thought,I have few names for baby boy...Edison,Ezechiel,Ethan..and etc....As for baby girl,honestly I'm not so prepared..Maybe Ashley,Isabelle or maybe Adele...argh..really haven't choose yet.
For this second pregnancy,I didn't buy too much baby stuff...Neney's stuff can be recycle as they still look new and wearable.Haaaaaa...I can't wait for the day to come,and it's a lie if I said that I'm not nervous and afraid...because I've been through it before so the feelings are still there...But when I think again that I'm going to hold this tiny little baby.....my worries gone....So let just hoping that everything will be smooth and easy :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bella Calamidades

While many of us loves to watch "Nada Cinta' or Puteri Yg Ditukar (sort of Indon's telenovela)I prefer to watch,Korean/Latina drama...why?Their episodes are less,story are more organize and direct,not twisted and easy to follow..not like the Indon's...arrggghhh..I don't even want to talk about it..boringgggg!
Well,right now I'm following this Latin's drama,'Bella Calamidades-Beautiful But Unlucky'.It's very interesting plot as it started a bit sad in the beginning but I guess it would be a happy ending drama.I love all the cast of the drama..so pretty and handsome and they act very well.The main heroine is Danna Garcia. She's damn hot and pretty..I wish i could have her hair and eyes..hehehe..Ok,enough talking about Bella Calamidades..you guys can watch it every Monday to Thursday ,started 3.00pm at TV3.

1st March 2012

Yup..right..today is 1st March 2012.
Suddenly I've remembered my long lost so call 'blog' hehehe...If not because my pretty cuzzie Eter mentioned her blog,I wouldn't be updating my own blog...like I'm doing right now :)
Well,because I've just started all over again today...I guess there's nothing much I want to post yet...hrmmm..on second thought,maybe I will post something..later...