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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Yay..it's Saturday!

What are you guys planning today?Me?Nothing...just like Monday-Friday...just stay at home.Hrmm..maybe we're going to Sunset Mass later.I'm thinking to make some chicken salad (my hubby request for it...craving la tu)Unlike me,my head kept thinking about cakes..cakes and cakes...I'm crazy for baking and eating cake,luckily my current kitchen not allowed me to do so...the space are so limited and I don't have complete bakery tools and oven...can steam also but I don't have steamer either.:)Maybe I'll wait till I reach kampung..do some baking while waiting the day.......

Talking about the day...I had some false alarm last night...pheww..panic a bit..thought it's time..Luckily,it's just    the nature's calling...hehehe..but maybe it also what we call 'Braxton Hicks' contraction..the pain I felt is almost the same like the night before I gave birth to Nicole.Well,I'm sure it's just a false labor,coz I don't think I'm going to deliver this early...

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