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Friday, March 2, 2012

Baby on the way....

Yup,let's play 'Guess the baby's gender'!Up to this day,the gender of my baby are still quzzical...Just like my first baby ,Nicole Yvette.I didn't know that she's a GIRL until she was born.But I have this strong intuition,saying that this time around it might be a BOY!:) But I don't put high expectation on it...I don't mind if it's a girl again,I just wish to have a healthy and cute one... :)
Like every preggy mommy,another things playing on my mind  is...baby name..hehe..In my thought,I have few names for baby boy...Edison,Ezechiel,Ethan..and etc....As for baby girl,honestly I'm not so prepared..Maybe Ashley,Isabelle or maybe Adele...argh..really haven't choose yet.
For this second pregnancy,I didn't buy too much baby stuff...Neney's stuff can be recycle as they still look new and wearable.Haaaaaa...I can't wait for the day to come,and it's a lie if I said that I'm not nervous and afraid...because I've been through it before so the feelings are still there...But when I think again that I'm going to hold this tiny little baby.....my worries gone....So let just hoping that everything will be smooth and easy :)

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