I love my family...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pertandingan Kupas Kelapa

Baru-baru ni,our family ada buat kenduri annivesary for my granny (3 thn - passed away).Kubur dia pun suda kena semen,so itu la ada kena buat kenduri...
So,adik-beradik my dad gotong royong buat preparation,antaranya kupas kelapa,untuk ambil santan mo buat KULUPIS......tingu la gaya2 drg...
 anty kesayangan...Aunty Gurini
 Baju hijau Uncle Misol,my dad baju merah...yg brabis mo kupas kelapa dlm gelap tu my mum
 banyak kan......mcm drg tanding2 ni sepa kupas paling banyak...
 Aunty Ema yg pakai baju mcm mo pg racing..
daddy pun mo try pki ni barang bikin kupas..ntah apa suda kana panggil tuh..

Dinner Western style - Ocean Millenium - Penampang

Last time,ada kawan hubby dtg frm Tawau..dia mo p beli kereta...so ngam2 hubby cuti,dia kasi kwn la kawan dia tu....so after abis semua urusan,dia treat kami dinner...mula2 mo pigi di Krishna,tp ntah napa la juga sy teringin mo makan d Ocean..lamb chop lagi tu sy mo makan..hehehehe...so agreed la pigi tu restoran..
I'm not so sure apa yg dorang order something like Chicken Chop,sy order Lamb Chop...punya sadappppppppp...and quite cheap than tmpt lain,why I said so?sbb saiz dia ..bulih tahan...and marinate dia pun sadap..hehehehe..Darling,nanti kita pigi makan sana lagi ah.....nah,ini la kunu gambar yg sy sempat ambk...

Ooo ya..kwn hubby punya dish sy x tergambar..malu bah..hehehe...

HuBBy's Bday

On the 02nd of Oct...we're having a very2 tiny Bday party for my hubby..just me,hubby and baby neney....here are some pics...

Our menu :
McD Burger
Big Apple Doughnut
Cheese cake frm Uncle Biscuit Bakery
For Neney...McD porridge


wah..lama suda x post anything here..reason being :

1.Pindah ofis...too busy to do this and that..
2.Bcoz of pinda ofs...suma yg sy kc book mark (include my blog) trpksa mo retrieve balik,sbb pc baru kan...
3.mo kumpul2 things utk kc post..hehehe...

Bah,sepa2 yg lama menunggu latest issue sy,nah.....

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Yeah..Donashi!Pernah dingar??It's Doughnut in Sushi shape!hehehe..dunno if it's a new thing or sy yg ketinggalan....Today one of my colleague came back frm lunch break,and brought a box of Big Apple's doughnut....thought it's just some ordinary Big Apple's stuff..but,it's something new!Check it out...
Cute kannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn?????

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just A pretty face?or talented?

Have you ever watch Barney or I.Carly?Well,if you do,you might knew names like Miranda Cosgrove,Demi Lavato or Selena Gomez?Honestly I really love these girls..there are cute!:)
Dunno why I love them but for sure,there are grown up kids celebs,just like Britney,Hillary and Lindsay...and etc..etc..

Here are some of their pics,then and now..

Demi Lavato

Love to hear from her: On the line (feat Jonas Brothers)

I didn’t wanna say
I’m sorry for breaking us apart
I didn’t wanna say
It was my fault
Even though I knew it was
I didn’t wanna call you back
Cause I knew that I was wrong
Yeah I knew I was wrong

One in the same never to change
Our love was beautiful
We got it all destined to fall
Our love was tragically
Wanted to call
No need to fight
Cause you know I wouldn’t lie
But tonight we’ll leave it on the line

Listen baby
Never woulda said forever if we knew it’d end so fast
Why did you say ‘ I love you ‘
If you knew that it wouldn’t last
Baby I just cant hear what your saying
The line is breaking up
Or maybe that’s just us, oh baby just us

Tried to call again and get your mailbox
Like a letter left unread
Apologies are often open-ended
But this one better unsaid

We’ll leave it on the line
Yeah, oh yeah
We’ll leave it on the line tonight

Selena Gomez

Love to hear from her : Naturally

How you choose to express yourself
It's all your own and I can tell
It comes naturally, it comes naturally

You follow what you feel inside

It's intuitive, you don't have to try
It comes naturally, mmmm it comes naturally

And it takes my breath away

What you do, so naturally

You are the thunder and I am the lightening

And I love the way you know who you are
And to me it's exciting
When you know its meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When you're with me, baby

Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally

Bay bay baby

You have a way of moving me

A force of nature, your energy
It comes naturally (You know it does)
It comes naturally
Mmmm yeah

And it takes my breath away (Everytime)

What you do, so naturally
Selena Gomez Naturally lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com/selena-gomez-naturally-lyrics.html
You are the thunder and I am the lightening
And I love the way you know who you are
And to me it's exciting
When you know its meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When you're with me, baby

Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally

Bay bay baby

When we collide, sparks fly

When you look in my eyes, it takes my breath away

(You are)

You are the thunder and I am the lightening
And I love the way you know who you are
And to me it's exciting
When you know its meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When you're with me, baby

Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally

Bay bay baby


Naturally x5
Bay bay baby


Naturally x5
Everything baby comes naturally

Miranda Cosgrove

Love to hear from her: Kissing You
Sparks fly
It's like electricity
I might die
When I forget how to breathe
You get closer and there's
No where in this world I'd rather be
Time stops
Like everything around me
Is frozen
And nothing matters but these
Few moments when you open my mind to things
I've never seen

'Cause when I'm kissing you

My senses come alive
Almost like the puzzle piece
I've been trying to find
Falls right into place
You're all that it takes
My doubts fade away
When I'm kissing you

When I'm kissing you

It all starts making sense
And all the questions
I ve been asking in my head
Like are you the one should I really trust
Crystal clear it becomes
When I'm kissing you

Past loves

They never got very far
Wall's up, made sure
I guarded my heart
And I promise I wouldn't do this till
I knew it was right for me

But no one (no one)

No guy that I met before
Could make me (make me)
Feel so right and secure
And have you noticed
I lose my focus
And the world around me disappears

'Cause when I'm kissing you

My senses come alive
Almost like the puzzle piece
I've been trying to find
Falls right into place
You're all that it takes
My doubts fade away
When I'm kissing you

When I'm kissing you

It all starts making sense
And all the questions
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com

I've been asking in my head
Like are you the one should I really trust
Crystal clear it becomes
When I'm kissing you

I've never felt nothing like this

You're making me open up
No point in even trying to fight this
It kinda feels like it's love

Cause when I'm kissing you

My senses come alive
Almost like the puzzle piece
I've been trying to find
Falls right into place
You're all that it takes
My doubts fade away
When I'm kissing you

When I'm kissing you

It all starts making sense
And all the questions
I've been asking in my head
Like are you the one should I really trust
Crystal clear it becomes
When I'm kissing you

Aren't they cute??:)

Monday, September 20, 2010

What Goes Around Comes Around

Have you ever heard this quotes?I'm sure a lot does...Well,I do believe,what goes around comes around and everything happens for reason...I believe,GOD is always around us,watching over us..every seconds and wherever we take our breath...So whatever we do,bad things or good things,it always comeback to us,maybe not to us,but maybe to our father,mother,brothers and sisters or maybe to our husband or wife or children....

He almost didn't see the old lady stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her.

Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe. He looked poor and hungry.

He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was that chill only fear can put in you.

He said, "I'm here to help you, ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson."

Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But, he had to get dirty, and his hands hurt.

As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid.

Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. The lady asked how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Bryan never thought twice about being paid. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.

He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance they needed, and Bryan added, "And think of me."

He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight.

A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn't erase. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then, she remembered Bryan.

After the lady finished her meal, she paid with a one hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change for her one hundred dollar bill, but the old lady had slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be. Then she noticed something written on the napkin. There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: "You don't owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you."

Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.

Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it?

With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard...

She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, "Everything's gonna be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson."
wub.gif wub.gif

wHat aRe u Doin'?

Hurmm..since mo dekat lunch break uda,keja pun semua done...so,saja la ni,mo kasi isi masa free....hehehehe..

Well,actly today I'm not feelin' so good,I have soar throat + itchy2 and cough...I think those are the symptoms of getting flu??uh..ohh....bad weather ba,I hope my NeyNey x kena jangkit...
Hmmmm...suddenly,this matter crossed on my mind....
Ok,in my opinion,31st August 1957 was the day when Tanah Melayu free from any possession of the intruder...All these while we known 31st of August as our National day.SABAH only join the Federation of MALAYSIA on 16th of September 1963.Now,government has declared 16th of September as our MALAYSIA Day..so,is it necessary for us to celebrate  31st of August as well?or 31st August is just the symbolic of our Independence,so...that's why we also need to celebrate it?

sOMEThiNg GooD iS CoMiN'?

I've gotta feeling....

Somethin' good is comin' my way?


Friday, September 17, 2010

Gooooooooooooooooood Morninggggggggggggggggg!!

Good morning....feels like Monday la today..hehehehe..but thank God it's Friday..lalallala...
Remember the other day,sy kc tau yg ada bos yg ntah apa2...after the incidents,he's making phone call like to everybody??daaaaa...whatever la...I don't give a damn if he's complaining crap to others...I take it in positive way that he's showing his true colour to others,childish and sooooooooooo unprofessional...whatever...
Forget abt him la..there's no use..
BTW,It was a public holiday yesterday...yeahhhhh,it's MALAYSIA's Day....
I'm not goin' anywhere,just stay at home ,doing cleaning up and rearrange my furniture... so now my home bit clean and looks more spacious....but dunno for how long..hehehehe..tau2 la ada anak..nanti everything go here and there,put anything ,anywhere..LOL...
So,done for now....want to take bfast first...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thoughts of the day

Only by overcoming life's problems and obstacles can we become truly strong. If everything always goes smoothly, we will grow complacent and be unable to build a solid foundation for our lives. Only by experiencing suffering ourselves can we understand the suffering of others and deepen our compassion.

Whether we regard difficulties in life as misfortunes or whether we view them as good fortune depends entirely on how much we have forged our inner determination. It all depends on our attitude or inner state of life. With a dauntless spirit, we can lead a cheerful and thoroughly enjoyable life. We can develop a "self" of such fortitude that we are able to look forward to life's trials and tribulations with a sense of joy. 

If you lose today, win tomorrow. In this never-ending spirit of challenge is found the heart of a victor.

Hardships make us strong. Problems give birth to wisdom. Sorrows cultivate compassion. Those who have suffered the most will become the happiest.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So FuNNy!!

Well....wht so funny?
Tadi sy gaduh dgn boss(but I think not gaduh la...cuma dia yg ada problem ckt),BTW,he's not my boss anyway...I don't report to him...
Sy rasa  dia tercabar sbb sy menjawab dia...Ni semua psl keja la,pa lagi...well siapa pun tau yg dia buat tu x ikut SOP...so salah ka klu sy suruh dia finish wht he started?Dia teriak right in front of my face,so sy pun apa lg la...teriak la dia balik..'So what??'...eee lucu la..very low standard la style dia...
Sy rasa takut??Nehhhh..no la..in fact sy happy sy dpt stand for my own opinion....hehehehe..lalallalalaa...

GaGa ya a'aH....


Odoi..kemarin c NeyNey betabiat...x mo duduk d car baby seat dia..pa lagi menangis sepanjang jalan...kesian dgr dia nangis,last2 sy ambik n dukung dia sambil driving..DANGEROUS?Mimang pun,but I have no choice,kesian dgr dia nangis sm sarut2 tu suara dia...Tidak lama pas tu,dia ttdo...sampai la d rumah..smpi sy siap buat suma baru dia bgn,pastu main2 sama2 dia kijap,then dia tdo balik..so sia dapat momom sambil tingu 2010 MTV VMA's..yeah...performance sumua mantap..mo tingu lg balik klu ada ulangan..hehehehehe...LAdyGaGA's outfits are totally craps!but so sad that Katy Perry didn't win any...and the DJ are awesome..

So,here's the winner's list:
  Rolling Stone
Sep 13, 2010 4:20 AM EDT
Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Florence + The Machine - "Dog Days Are Over"
30 Seconds To Mars - "Kings and Queens"
Lady Gaga featuring Beyoncé - "Telephone"
Eminem - "Not Afraid"
B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams - "Airplanes"
B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams - "Airplanes"
Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga - "Video Phone (Extended Remix)"
Lady Gaga featuring Beyonce – "Telephone"
3OH!3 featuring Kesha - "My First Kiss"
Jay-Z & Alicia Keys - "Empire State of Mind"

Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Ke$ha - "Tik Tok"
Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg - "California Gurls"(my choice)
Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga - "Video Phone (Extended Remix)"
Taylor Swift - "Fifteen"

Eminem - "Not Afraid"(my Choice)
Usher featuring Will.I.Am - "OMG"
B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams - "Airplanes"
Drake - "Find Your Love"
Jason Derulo - "In My Head"

B.o.B. featuring Hayley Williams - "Airplanes"
Eminem - "Not Afraid"
Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne & Eminem - "Forever"
Jay-Z & Swizz Beats - "On To The Next One"
Kid Cudi featuring MGMT & Ratatat - "Pursuit Of Happiness"

Ke$ha - "Tik Tok"
Jason Derulo - "In My Head"(my choice)
Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris - "Baby"
Nicki Minaj featuring Sean Garrett - "Massive Attack"
Broken Bells - "The Ghost Inside"

Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dogg - "California Gurls"
Ke$ha - "Tik Tok"
Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga - "Video Phone (Extended Remix)"
B.o.B featuring Bruno Mars - "Nothing on You"

30 Seconds To Mars - "Kings and Queens"
Muse - "Uprising"
Paramore - "Ignorance"
Florence + the Machine - "Dog Days Are Over"
MGMT - "Flash Delirium"

Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Enrique Iglesias featuring Pitbull - "I Like It"
Cascada - "Evacuate The Dancefloor"
David Guetta featuring Akon - "Sexy Chick"
Usher featuring Will.I.Am - "OMG"(my Choice)

Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Florence + The Machine - "Dogs Days Are Over"
Eminem - "Not Afraid"
30 Seconds To Mars - "Kings and Queens"
Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga - "Video Phone (Extended Remix)"

Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Lady Gaga featuring Beyoncé - "Telephone"
Beyoncé featuring Lady Gaga - "Video Phone (Extended Remix)"
Usher featuring Will.I.Am - "OMG"(my choice)
Janelle Monáe featuring Big Boi - "Tightrope"

Eminem - "Not Afraid"
Jay-Z & Alicia Keys - "Empire State of Mind"(my choice)
Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Mumford and Sons - "Little Lion Man"
Florence + The Machine - "Dog Days Are Over"

Jay-Z & Alicia Keys - "Empire State of Mind"
Director: Hype Williams
Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Director: Francis Lawrence

Eminem - "Not Afraid"
Director: Rich Lee
P!nk - "Funhouse"
Director: Dave Meyers
30 Seconds To Mars - "Kings and Queens"(my choice)
Director: Bartholomew Cubbins

Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Editor: Jarrett Fijal

Eminem - "Not Afraid"
Editor: Ken Mowe
Rihanna - "Rude Boy"
Editor: Clark Eddy
P!nk - "Funhouse"
Editor: Chris Davis
Miike Snow - "Animal"
Editor: Frank Macias

Lady Gaga - "Bad Romance"
Special Effects: Tim Jarvis
Eminem - "Not Afraid"
Special Effects: Animaholics-VFX
Muse - "Uprising"
Special Effects: Sam Stevens

Green Day - "21st Century Breakdown"
Special Effects: Laundry
Dan Black - "Symphonies"
Special Effects: Corinne Bance & Axel D’Harcourt

Monday, September 13, 2010

NeYNeY & McD

Once upon a time....

A princess was so bored..she dunno what to do,or where to go..
Then her mom & dad bring her to......KK Airport!Hahahaha....what to do there??
The parents also dunno what to do..so they went to McD!hehehe...

While there........
NeyNey still figured out what to eat......

She still can't made up her mind coz all the food are yummy!So...
She asked Mr.McD.....who is standing there all the time...hehehehehe..
"Hey,Mr.McD..pls tell me what am I supposed to eat?"
McD replied"Try the porridge..its yummy!"
Then NeyNey said"alright,I'll try it.tq..muahhhh"
So the mom ordered a bowl of porridge for her....and she was soooo happy..
and she managed to eat some of the fries!So,after she finished her porridge..it's time for mom and dad to eat their's.And guess what?NeyNey try  to grab her mom's Doublecheese Burger....Ohhhh..Noooo NeyNey...Hahahahahahaha...

-The End-

...Gloomy Monday Morning...

Hey...it's kinda gloomy mornin ya!
Well,for the last 3 days I was at my hometown...peaceful and silent surrounding....ermmm so good...
At the very 1st nite...it's raining very,very,very heavily...and suddenly..mati karan..adada..wht the hell....but,I't wasn't so dark,coz the lightning are striking few times and it's like the papparazi's camera flashing over and over again...hehehe..
The 2nd nite,the electricity shut off while I was taking bath...hahahaha..very funny..and it's so damn dark,I couldn't even see a thing,it's like I'm blind!Palis-palis...but now I know how its feel to be blind...couldn't see anything just the feeling of fear and unsecured...

And by the way...
I want to share something here.It's about people..
I know a person who think he knows everything,who think he is good enough???eeee,tulung la....always go to church (kunun la..bueeeksss..geli)always preaches other with his thoughts and motivation bla..bla..bla.....and he's a one-way-traffic person.But,did he ever reflect himself?dia tu betul2 ok ka?betul ka tidak semua perbuatan dia tu?eee,meluat la!
Nak di jadikan cerita...ada la satu kejadian...something happened and they put the blame on a staff.He didn't know the whole story,so what the f**ckin hell he talkin about?And the worst thing he did..and everyone will surely said not agree,he send a msg to the staff's FB mail?Ewww..a boss sending a criticizing mail to staff using FB?What a shame and very,very unpro....In the mail,he criticized the staff's private life,he said the staff losing focus in work bcoz of the family/child...eeee..wht kind of boss is that?mcmna dia tau org punya private life in that way?maybe dia tinggal dgn tu orang??and then he wants the staff to be a good parent....fyi,this man don't have any,so who is he to give such order to other person??

Well,moral of the story...no matter who you are..pls reflect yourself before criticized others,and never ever evaluated others based on what you see!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Part 2.

Hooray..Hooray..It's Holi..holiday!

Yes,today is the last day peoples workin' coz tomorrow is Hari Raya.Well today,our HQ is close and nothing much I can do in the office.And yeah..I've got the chance to update my blog.
Well last nite I'm having dinner at my cuzzy's house,coz she having her hubby's 31st Birthday?.And me and Nicole decided to stay overnight there..coz it's quit late to go home...
A lot of foods cooked by my Aunt and cuzzy Ana a.k.a Sigu..hehehehhe..and the cake are sooooooooooooooo damn delicious!And yeah,my preggy cuzzy is showing her baby bump already!According to her,the doctor said it might a baby girl - 90%!Hahahaha..tambah2 la geng perempuan in the family ni....and we're starting to rambling bout the baby's name..hehehehehe...
So tomorrow will be holidays and I planned to balik kg,having bbq,and main judi with my mum,mama n aunty Bangai..hehehehehehehe....ermmm...wish I can bring maybe wines to add on the pleasure!hehehehe..will work on that....
Oh,By the way.last week I went to visit my in-laws at LD,well kira balik kg juga la...by road.The road are sooo hell damn f**kin' bad!!So Bad..reason being,there're doin some major road maintainence/repair or what so ever...It's so dusty ,bumpy and lubang2 all over everywhere,it's ok with 4WD vehicles...but lowered vehicles need to slow down,otherwise you'll shakin' all the way..but I think not all the way la..I think it start at Beluran all along to Bt.32 Sandakan a.k.a the Checkpoint.

Just Thoughts....

Guys and Stars
MySpace Graphics

Greatest Challenge
Comments from pYzam.com