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Monday, September 13, 2010

...Gloomy Monday Morning...

Hey...it's kinda gloomy mornin ya!
Well,for the last 3 days I was at my hometown...peaceful and silent surrounding....ermmm so good...
At the very 1st nite...it's raining very,very,very heavily...and suddenly..mati karan..adada..wht the hell....but,I't wasn't so dark,coz the lightning are striking few times and it's like the papparazi's camera flashing over and over again...hehehe..
The 2nd nite,the electricity shut off while I was taking bath...hahahaha..very funny..and it's so damn dark,I couldn't even see a thing,it's like I'm blind!Palis-palis...but now I know how its feel to be blind...couldn't see anything just the feeling of fear and unsecured...

And by the way...
I want to share something here.It's about people..
I know a person who think he knows everything,who think he is good enough???eeee,tulung la....always go to church (kunun la..bueeeksss..geli)always preaches other with his thoughts and motivation bla..bla..bla.....and he's a one-way-traffic person.But,did he ever reflect himself?dia tu betul2 ok ka?betul ka tidak semua perbuatan dia tu?eee,meluat la!
Nak di jadikan cerita...ada la satu kejadian...something happened and they put the blame on a staff.He didn't know the whole story,so what the f**ckin hell he talkin about?And the worst thing he did..and everyone will surely said not agree,he send a msg to the staff's FB mail?Ewww..a boss sending a criticizing mail to staff using FB?What a shame and very,very unpro....In the mail,he criticized the staff's private life,he said the staff losing focus in work bcoz of the family/child...eeee..wht kind of boss is that?mcmna dia tau org punya private life in that way?maybe dia tinggal dgn tu orang??and then he wants the staff to be a good parent....fyi,this man don't have any,so who is he to give such order to other person??

Well,moral of the story...no matter who you are..pls reflect yourself before criticized others,and never ever evaluated others based on what you see!

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