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Friday, September 17, 2010

Gooooooooooooooooood Morninggggggggggggggggg!!

Good morning....feels like Monday la today..hehehehe..but thank God it's Friday..lalallala...
Remember the other day,sy kc tau yg ada bos yg ntah apa2...after the incidents,he's making phone call like to everybody??daaaaa...whatever la...I don't give a damn if he's complaining crap to others...I take it in positive way that he's showing his true colour to others,childish and sooooooooooo unprofessional...whatever...
Forget abt him la..there's no use..
BTW,It was a public holiday yesterday...yeahhhhh,it's MALAYSIA's Day....
I'm not goin' anywhere,just stay at home ,doing cleaning up and rearrange my furniture... so now my home bit clean and looks more spacious....but dunno for how long..hehehehe..tau2 la ada anak..nanti everything go here and there,put anything ,anywhere..LOL...
So,done for now....want to take bfast first...

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