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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thoughts of the day

Only by overcoming life's problems and obstacles can we become truly strong. If everything always goes smoothly, we will grow complacent and be unable to build a solid foundation for our lives. Only by experiencing suffering ourselves can we understand the suffering of others and deepen our compassion.

Whether we regard difficulties in life as misfortunes or whether we view them as good fortune depends entirely on how much we have forged our inner determination. It all depends on our attitude or inner state of life. With a dauntless spirit, we can lead a cheerful and thoroughly enjoyable life. We can develop a "self" of such fortitude that we are able to look forward to life's trials and tribulations with a sense of joy. 

If you lose today, win tomorrow. In this never-ending spirit of challenge is found the heart of a victor.

Hardships make us strong. Problems give birth to wisdom. Sorrows cultivate compassion. Those who have suffered the most will become the happiest.

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