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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hooray..Hooray..It's Holi..holiday!

Yes,today is the last day peoples workin' coz tomorrow is Hari Raya.Well today,our HQ is close and nothing much I can do in the office.And yeah..I've got the chance to update my blog.
Well last nite I'm having dinner at my cuzzy's house,coz she having her hubby's 31st Birthday?.And me and Nicole decided to stay overnight there..coz it's quit late to go home...
A lot of foods cooked by my Aunt and cuzzy Ana a.k.a Sigu..hehehehhe..and the cake are sooooooooooooooo damn delicious!And yeah,my preggy cuzzy is showing her baby bump already!According to her,the doctor said it might a baby girl - 90%!Hahahaha..tambah2 la geng perempuan in the family ni....and we're starting to rambling bout the baby's name..hehehehehe...
So tomorrow will be holidays and I planned to balik kg,having bbq,and main judi with my mum,mama n aunty Bangai..hehehehehehehe....ermmm...wish I can bring maybe wines to add on the pleasure!hehehehe..will work on that....
Oh,By the way.last week I went to visit my in-laws at LD,well kira balik kg juga la...by road.The road are sooo hell damn f**kin' bad!!So Bad..reason being,there're doin some major road maintainence/repair or what so ever...It's so dusty ,bumpy and lubang2 all over everywhere,it's ok with 4WD vehicles...but lowered vehicles need to slow down,otherwise you'll shakin' all the way..but I think not all the way la..I think it start at Beluran all along to Bt.32 Sandakan a.k.a the Checkpoint.

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